A complaint is defined as a statement by a student that something is incorrect or poorly presented in the course or examination. An appeal is defined as a request by the student to have his or her exam results reviewed. To submit a complaint or appeal, you must complete and sign the downloadable form. You can obtain a form by downloading here or by emailing a request for a form to support@tapseries.com. The Complaint or Appeal Form must be completed, printed, and sent no later than 14 calendar days after the date the course was completed. The form can either be emailed to support@tapseries.com or mailed to: TAP Series, LLC, Attention: Complaints or Appeals, 31225 La Baya Drive, Suite 110, Westlake Village, CA 91362. All mailed complaints or appeals must be sent U.S. Postal Service Certified Mail Registered Receipt.
Upon receipt of the appeal, the student will be notified of the receipt via U.S. Postal mail. The appeal will be addressed by TAP Series within 30 calendar days of receipt.